Below some comments on the movie from people working in the field

“a truly brilliant documentary that convincingly highlights the potential of ICT for rural development”

Bart de Steenhuijsen Piters (PhD)
Area Leader Sustainable Economic Development
Royal Tropical Institute (KIT)

“It is an excellent documentary.”

Enock Yonazi
Telecom Engineer
African Development Bank

“Nice interviews and good editing.”

Saskia Harmsen
Community Relations: Innovation & Capacity Development
International Institute for Communication & Development (IICD)

“since this documentary is based on very fundamental need of ICT by mainly the rural areas’ population where the large market exists it may need to be supplied to the key ict players and policy makers for a glimpse so that they can come to the solution of creating a level playing field of fulfilling this fastest growing market and rapid devices modernization.”

Gerald Nyerere

“the movie is very nice projecting the importance of ICT is socio-economic development.”

Salvatory J.S. Mushi